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It’s something that acts as one of the best ways of immigration, which benefits both the province and the individuals looking to move to Canada, more so in a specific province in Canada. Provincial Nomination Programs were introduced to make the flow of the immigration process smooth, where provinces could nominate individuals to settle there on the basis of labour requirement, whether it is a specific job-related requirement or a proficiency in something.

Just like other permits, the provincial nominations too depend upon specific criteria specified by the province, which may come in the form of education, work experience, or language proficiency. There are multiple programs often introduced by the provinces to encourage people coming in from various countries to join them and contribute to their collective growth. Recently, the number of applications for the provincial nominations have increased, as has the number of applications allowed as the intake by various provinces.

Nomination and Selection: The difference

Although the provinces are free to make nominations on their part, they can’t make the final call to decide whether to give the permit to a foreign national to settle in their jurisdiction. Well, the final call is still with the federal government as something as big as a work permit is very sensitive and needs to be dealt with tight scrutiny.

The involvement of the federal government to take the final call makes the nomination application a two-step process. The applicant first needs to send their application to the provincial government. When they give the clearance from their side, the candidates have to apply to the federal government to get the final clearance and to get the permit through a provincial nomination.

Keeping in mind the various needs of the kind of labour in Canada, the provincial nominations are divided into multiple streams under which an individual can apply and get their work permit through the nomination done by provinces. The stream can vary on the basis of education, the kind of work, and the industrial background you hail from. Ultimately, getting nominated by the provinces is not too tough a nut to crack as the people are very considerate of people working with Canada in Canada for the greater good.

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